writer in residence
The Ernest Hemingway Foundation of Oak Park re-introduced the Writer-In-Residence (WIR) program in 2012 to support its mission statement, which encourages thoughtful reading and writing.
The Writer-in-Residence's primary roles include serving as an ambassador for the foundation, conducting educational programming, and mentoring the winner of our annual student writing contest for incoming high school seniors. In addition, the WIR enjoys the opportunity to work in the attic space of Hemingway's birthplace home, which is specially designed with Hemingway period furniture from Thomasville and other inspirational features for writers.
The Ernest Hemingway Foundation of Oak Park is pleased to announce that Kate Sjostrom will serve as the Foundation’s newest Writer-in-Residence (WIR). During her term, Kate will assist in advancing the foundations mission supporting the development of our educational programming, and mentorship of our student scholarship recipients. She will also enjoy the opportunity to continue her work in the dedicated writing space of the Hemingway Birthplace Museum.
Dr. Sjostrom is a writer and teacher educator based in Oak Park, IL. Her poetry and creative nonfiction have appeared in RHINO, Southern Poetry Review, English Journal, and elsewhere, and she regularly publishes and presents on writing education. Her co-edited collection, Unsettling Education, won a 2021 Outstanding Book Award from the Society of Professors of Education.
Past writers in residence
Scott Nations
Rebecca Morgan Frank
Laura Young
Cameron Gearen
David Berner
Annette Gendler
Susan Hahn
William Hazelgrove
Prior to the introduction of our official WIR program in 2013, William Hazelgrove frequently used the unfinished attic area as his writing space from 1998 to 2008.